
The aim of this website is to express and provided various information about the author, and the net with 
interesting topics and organized content. Not like any other personal website, this website is to have it's 
use as a digital portfolio and also links to great info and entertainment, plus, spending time to read some
articles, poems, notes and learning the web makes anyone easier to understand. I would like to share my 
familiarity, talent and creativity to the world, so that I can receive communication, feedbacks and contact 
from around. There are lot of content to be added in future, but most of all, I would like to show what I have 
as a human, as a student, as a designer, as an artist, as a motivator and as an entertainer. I would also
like to encourage all of you to learn something from the web, and use it for a good cause. Of course, I 
want all people to have their own website and be very particular and very creative in web design. I learn lots 
of things, searching the net, and took lots of online training and tutorials just to keep me going and never 
look back. On this behalf, I would like to thank Hot Wired Webmonkey, Dark Mountain, Kioken Inc, and 
NetMedia for the professional inspiration and motivation.


Idea Development By Sketches, Research and Discussion


These all the following sketches and ideas for some
page layouts. On left, is  sketch and idea of 'section
2: articles + downloads' layout. 







The mainframe was originally installed with
cutout-technique of photography with animation
added in layout to look more impact and
interactive for audiences. 

Sketches is important. It's a fundamentals of
educated artist and designer. Either you do it
from computer or hand work.